I am well aware that no one reads my blog. Well, I have many blogs but this is my personal blog. Which is why I feel perfectly safe in talking about anything I like here. It's been a while since I last posted. I always find myself talking to myself out loud when no one's around. It's fun for me. I realize things that I've observed and some I share to my boyfriend when I realize them during our talk on the phone.
When I realize things or reflect on specific situations I would always wish I could blog them or write them down but then I'd have to look for a pen and paper. While looking for such my mind would be forced to be on hold and letting my fairy dust dissolve in the corners of my mind. It's such a shame I wont get to keep a record of my mind's realizations but I'd take them as a gift that is for me alone and can never be retrieved. You see, I speak them out loud yet I can never remember them after that.
I just feel like talking right now, which is why I'm blogging. :)