Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sparks Fly

Seriously! I get the butterflies when I see his cute, charming, friendly, clear-from-trouble face. He's got this smile that is just heart-melting. Who am I talking about? Oh it's B-boy, short for "Baby boy". My good friend Lenny gave him that nickname. She's good at thinking for code names for guys which was why I turned to her when I clearly confirmed that I have a little bit of strong feelings for B-boy. 

Who is B-boy in real life? Well, he's one of the "composers" I work with at school, my friend, classmate. His name is Keith. He's one of the honor students in my batch, he's a musician (I love those kind of guys), he's not mean to people, and isn't afraid to hang out with girls nor be seen in public being the only guy in the group. He has a simple lifestyle, simple living considering the fact that his dad is (as what my father would describe it) vice-president of a huge company which I was too lazy to listen to the information. He's not buff, he has no abs, doesn't do much athletic activities but he's still all man.

Anyways, we see each other almost everyday but it's Christmas break now and he went home afternoon after the party. I didn't even get the chance to take a picture with him because I never got the chance nor the perfect timing. It bothered me even now.

Keith is at the guy below.

I wanted but I know I didn't need

It was starting to bother me. Whenever I'm around Keith I get the feeling of wanting him to put his arms over my shoulder or around my waist or something. I had proven to myself that I have this little crush on him or a while now. Even before the composing of the songs. It started on the day when I considered him as boyfriend material. Only two people know about my secret crush, I wouldn't want my relationship with my new close friend be ruined; but of course, if someone else is reading this right now my secret is out. If you are reading right now, please don't tell anybody.

The feelings that I got was the relationship that I wanted but I know I didn't need. So I've chosen to lay low and play it cool. Make sure he won't ever have a clue and to keep my mouth shut from telling other people.

40% but still invisible

I may now be 40% visible to people, but I still am as invisible as the air in my family. Only difference is they also can't feel me. I fit in nowhere. It was frustrating to think about it. I barely like the attitude on my father's side of the family, and I can't say much about my moms side because I have no aunts and uncles bond with everyday. So much for the saying "don't fit in, stand out". I was in neither positions.

Talking about invisibility yesterday with the girls, the time when me and my ex-boyfriend recently broke up with me talk was a bit surprising that I finally got those words out of my mouth. It was something I kept to myself, afraid to admit of the truth that I was almost friendless when things ended with Arvin. Surprised I'm not afraid to speak his name now. It just feels right, and a way to prove to myself that I am over him. Anyways, I am now 40% visible to people but I just don't fit in right.

What can I do? I just watched an episode of Awkward and it was the one with the stupid do-overs and I don't think I want to fantasize things like what could have happened if I never engaged into any intimate relationship. Life is confusing, but it's just the way it is. Things changed, time changed me.